Monday, October 8, 2012

Dinner at Hankow Road

Hi rabbits,,

One day after shopping and working, we got bored dinning at malls and hotels . So we decided to hit the roads in Tsim Tsa Tsui, Kowloon. We were very tired and cold that evening we need some warm dinner to wrap our freezing tummy. My bosses friend (again) told us to have some great fishball noodles on Hankow road. Hankow Road runs south-north between Salisbury Road and Haiphong Road. It is parallel to Ashley Road (west) and Lock Road (east), as well as Nathan Road (further east). 
Dari mall tempat kita belanja (Lancroft Mall Hongkong) we decided to walk because boss said its near. Jalan laaaah kita dan tidak sampai sampai. Setelah muter muter sampai  kita di Hankow Road.

Hankow Road sign

Begitu sampai langsung di foto deh

 OK!!!We found the road, now its time to find the noodle. It wasnt that hard to find that noodle resto because it was just a few steps from the Hankow road sign.
Chiu fat front entry

dalamnya seperti ini

si paman lagi racik masakan

The place is small but many people eats here,  we need to wait for an empty table to sit and eat. Begitu dapat meja langsung deh kita order fishball noodle, daging sapi kuah lada hitam, terus semacam kwetiau gitu. It didnt took long for the food to come.
Begitu Fish Balls & Fish Cake with Noodle in Soup datang ke meja, i wasnt that excited seeing the apperance. The color was so pale and white. I came from a Sumatra family that likes to cook spicy and colorful dishes. And fyi this resto doesnt use MSG in all of their foods.Actually "No msg added" is their trademark slogan. Ok, back to the food.

Fish Balls & Fish Cake with Noodle in Soup (HK$22)

The delicious fishballs
Kuah yang pucat dan putih ditambah engga pake msg makin bikin saya ragu keenakan noodle ini. I wanted to try the noodle before i put chilli oil and soy sauce, pas saya coba kuahnya yang pucat itu. Ternyata ENAAAAAAK banget. Si kuah putih itu ternyata kaldu ikan yang kental. Rasanya gurih dan segar banget, ga ada rasa dan bau bau amis. HEBAT!!!!!! After i tried the delicious fish broth, i tried the fishball and fish cake. OMG!!!The texture was soft and chewy. And the taste was amazing. Seriously it was refreshing, so i add some chilli oil to spice up the flavor. YUM!!!!!!!
fishballs, spicy beef and kwetiau

me enjoying the spicy beef

me and made kept on eating
 Overall, dari semua masakan yang kita order yang paling enak menurut saya Fish Balls & Fish Cake with Noodle in Soup! Spicy beef and kwetiau was so so, not that special but still yummy.

Ok, done with noodles. I wanted to try the famous Portuguese Egg tarts yang konon katanya enak banget. So we walk our way to the Macau Restaurant that is only a few store away from the noodle resto.
katanya ini resto punya istri ke 3 nya si owner

menu dan chilli oil

our view from the table

Begitu sampai langsung order deh si tart terkenal itu. My stomach was only enough for dessert nothing more, so i refuse when my boss offer me to order something else besides egg tart. My boss and made ordered Pork chop buns and honey lemon for drinks.
Portuguese Egg tarts
 Portuguese Egg tarts came, it looks like an average tart. Yellow and soft in the middle and crispy around the center. The Egg tarts are so delicious and served warm as well. The first bite tasted so soft, the center is filled with egg custard. The center was not too sweet, it was savory and mostly it was delicious. I loved the taste of it.

delicious egg custard center

Ga lama kemudian datang lah Pork Chop Buns pesenan si boss ama Made. Penampilannya kaya burger, mengguggah selere sih penampaknya. Kalo isi sapi udah saya hajar aja tuh, i am a big fan of burgers. Tapi yah isi pork so i redeem my self ego.
Pork chop buns pesenan bos and made
Lemon drink
Me enjoying honey lemon drink

As they enjoy their pork buns, i was enjoying my honey lemon drink. They serve this lemon drink in a stainless steel cup. Rasanya segar banget dan unik. Asam manis dan gurih rasanya. Perpaduan madu dan lemon nya pas banget. Pokonya enaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!!!

Now we are so very full!!!It was time to head back to the hotel. It was a great meal at Honkow road. Would definitly come back to these two resto. Always save a place for dessert yaaaaaa!!!You will never know what to expect,,See u later rabbits,,

Shop B G/F 42 Howard Building, Hankow Road, Kowloon
Tel : 2311-1117
Open Daily from 8.00am - 1.00am  

Macau Restaurant
25-27 Lock Road,
Lokille Comm. Bldg,
T.S.T., Kowloon
(852) 2366.8148

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dessert for breakfast

Hi Rabbits,,,
Have u ever ate dessert for breakfast?
i haveeeeeeeee!!!!
Ceritanya kita baru arrive di Hongkong..and we were so hungry,,tempat nginep kita di Hotel Marcopolo Gateway di Kowloon memang pusat kota. My bosses friend told boss to eat at this small resto not far from the hotel that have killer desserts,,Dengar dessert, me and Made (my office bff) got very excited even though we were still a bit jetlag. After a quick shower we rush to that resto. Ternyata sangat dekat dengan hotel kami,, just a skip and hop sampe laaaa kita,,,
That resto is named "The Sweet Dynasty" or " 糖朝 "
Pintu masuk
The Sweet Dynasty is located along Canton Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.  It is opposite the Marco Polo Gateway Hotel & the long stretch of shopping malls within the vicinity – Harbour City, Ocean Terminal & the Gateway.
With a name like "Sweet Dynasty", which is a Chinese pun on the Tang Dynasty, how can you go wrong with the desserts? The truth is, despite the fame and savoury food that they serve, the most outstanding thing here are the desserts and most locals really just come here for that.
Pas masuk ke resto,,i felt like i was shifted back ke masa lampau,,abis interiornya tuh kaya tempat makan di film film kerajaan China. Keren pisan laaaaah,,pokonya kampungan saya keluar,,hahahah,,pegang sana sini,,pokonya aing loba melong!!! Si mba mba (xiao cie) cas cis cus pake bahasa mandarin that only my boss understands,,intinya reservasi tempat duduk,,Not long from the cas cis cus that i dont understand,,kita di antar ke lantai dua dimana sebuah meja udah disiapkan untuk kita. the place is not big,,quite small i think,,but it was warm, beda banget sama udara dingin diluar. Dinding di dominasi oleh parquet dan kaca that makes the room looks wide but still warm. Smart idea!!!!
Semua meja di tengah udah reservasi
 Pas duduk saya senang sekali melihat Chinese ceramic nya all white. Bersih banget keliatannya. Sumpit gelas sama mangkuk udah tersusun rapih. Sungguh tidak sabar untuk mencoba makanannya. Mana lapar,,mana saya orangnya GEHU (gede huap) yang artinya gembul in sundanese. Terus tetangga meja sebelah makannya kaya yang enaaaaak banget. srupuuuuuuutttt,,,sroooooot,,,tetangga sibuk nyuruput noodle!!!
Meja sudah tersusun rapih <3
Then my boss started to order,,karena saya tidak makan babi dan sedikit pemilih,,akhirnya saya order berdasarkan gambar dan menu bahasa inggris. Thank God menu nya pake sub Ing,,,hahahahah,, karena rata rata yang gambarnya mengguggah itu pake babi semua,,,ahahahah dilemaaaaaaaa,,akhirnya saya diorderin yang halal halal,,like seafoods, chicken and beef,,meanwhile the others order "PIGGY",,,
Me and Made cant wait to eat,,,saya sipit sekaliiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

Udah pesan pesan,,makanan datang and of course my halal food came also,,while we were eating my boss gave a quote yang menurut saya "JUARA"!!!
 She said,, "Tau engga,,otak orang yang makan sunyuk(babi) itu beda!!lebih pinter!!!" in meaning im "DUMB" because i dont eat pig,,hahahahahahahha,,Kebetulan besties saya si Made pinter luar biasa,,makin keliatan bego saya,,

After we had porridge, noodles and many more(sorry engga ke foto abis laper bgt ga kepikiran mau foto) saat yang saya tunggu tiba akhirnya,,,
Sweet Dynasty has quite a handful of cold desserts that are served in a bowl of dry ice. The dishes arrive in the flurry of frothing white smoke and you could be forgiven for thinking that you are eating out of a witch's cauldron!hahahahahaha,,Thankfully, the white froth subsides so you actually get to see what you're eating.Takjub saya dengan ide dessert ini. Actually this dessert is very simple,,semacam sop buah with mango puree and grass jelly(cingcau) inside,,
Served with Dry Ice Gimmick

Chilled Bean Jelly (Grass Jelly) with Fresh Fruits (HKD 38)
Rasanya,,,Enaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!!!!Seger banget,,cingcaunya juga kadar kenyalnya pas,,mangganya engga kematengan dan engga terlalu asam,,After we tried that refreshing treat datang laaah dessert berikutnya,,
My boss ordered "Tofu Fa" or in bahasa is "kembang tahu". It came in a wooden bucket,,kirain engga dalem tuh gentong,,ga tau nya dalam,,ukuran gentong tidak menipu,,beda kaya di Indo,,tempat segede bagong isi segede upil,,
Gentong kayu isi kembang tahu

lembut banget

Gula unik
Boss said harus abis itu gentong,,,jiiirrr mana udah kenyang,,but lets try anyway,,
The tofu was super soft and fluffy,,it melts in your mouth,,and the sugar is different,,it has this soft ginger taste that makes your stomach warm,,it was delicious rabbits,,mungkin saya terbiasa makan kembang mang mang yang lewat,,yg menurut saya udah enak,,nah rasa tofu fa disini enak nya berlipat ganda,,,after we tried so hard abisin itu gentong isi tofu,,,kita engga bisa lama ngobrol disini,,karena mba mba disini udah beres2in meja petanda ngusir,,,judes judes pula mba mba nya,,,mending langsung bayar deh,,
So that was my first bfast in Hongkong,,,and it was YUMMEEEEE!!!
Overall, we had a good bfast!  Keep in mind to save some room for desserts, you will not regret it.

See u next time rabbits,,
The Sweet Dynasty
100 Canton Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2199 7799
Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs [10am – 12am]; Fri [10am – 11pm]; Sat [7am – 1am]; Sun

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where a busy bunny works before easter

dear rabbits,,,
Today i wanna share with all of you the place i've been hanging around for the past 3 years,,tempat saya banting tulang mencari nafkah untuk sepasang spatu *dramaqueen,,,heheheh,,,
YAP!!!!its my office,,my fashionable and cozy office,,
Ohya lupa kasih tau,,,im a fashion buyer for a retail store in bandung,,and its a fun job to do with a big responsibility of course,,
Dulu waktu jaman jaman kuliah saya rajin sekali nonton2 drama seri Ugly betty. And i was always amaze with the interior of the office she got there,,so high fashion,,i always wanted to have that kind of office ever since,,
After i graduate i tried working based on my major,,as an Interior designer,,but i got bored,,mungkin karena kuliah dan kerja sama saja,,saya jenuh,,so i tried my other passion,, and that was in fashion.
Back to the office subject,, waktu pertama kali masuk ke kantor saya,,my jaw just dropped,,my head keep sayin what a cute and pretty place to work in,,
pintu masuk kantor aq on the 2nd floor

So im gonna give u guys a quick tour around my office,,
my daily activities in the office is shopping of course,,i must know the latest fashion agar saya engga salah beli,,ga mau kan sampe belanja barang yang ga akan laku,,,and of course i must know the basic fashion,,the kind that will always sell,,its a bit tricky, more like gambling,,,hehehehehe
meeting place and acc an produksi

the area we always use to discuss our work with vendors and supplier
Selain membeli barang i also have a line here in my office,,so that also must be taken care very well,,from the design, fabric, color and label,,we must use our imagination in mixing color and design,,kalo udah jadi suka deg2an,,laku apa engga,,
Area kerja

an alternative place to held a meeting
Salah satu faktor terpenting bagi karyawan untuk bisa bekerja dengan produktif adalah suasana kantor yang nyaman serta kondusif. Maybe thats what my boss want,,to make a cozy place to work at so we can produce more great ideas too. Konsep dari pada kantor saya adalah minimalis,,terlihat dari  tampak, struktur, dan tata ruang yang sederhana (minimal). Bentuknya yang simpel dan straight forward membuatnya cocok dengan gaya hidup masyarakat urban *cieeeeeee.

I love all the details here,,the touch of woods and the bright white color of the room. Love it!!!My boss loves to put ethnic ornament here and there. Patung patung Budha, ornamen2 gajah,,lilin2 aromaterapy,,ahhh nyaman,,It gives that extra "BOOM" ahahahaha *lebay...
Akustik ruang ini juga bagus,,saya suka nyanyi2, nari nari,,kalo boss saya engga ada tentunya,,

Now its time for my work area,,,sorry kalo berantakan,,hahahahaha
Ladies and Gentleman,,i give you my desk,,,
Bunny's cozy area
People say my desk is too pink and it smells like bubblegum,,my bosses grandchild loves hanging out here,,because she adores hello kitty sama kaya saya,,
My pc monitor di dominasi hellokityy

Rilakkuma on the left

ini udah diberesin biar terlihat rada rapih,,:p
Buat saya tips buat betah di kantor,,make your space as cozy as you can,,biar kerjanya juga semangat,,and u love doing your work of course,,well hellokitty and rilakkuma makes me happy everyday at work at least kalo lagi stress i have something cute to look at,,and honestly during deadlines and stress, my cute desk helps me alot to calm down and take a break,,Ohya besides the cozy office and my cute desk,,i have great coworkers to work with,,mungkin itu juga salah satu faktor yang bikin saya betah,,
me with a few of my coworkers
So maybe thats the end of my quick tour around the place i work at,,hope you love it and be inspire with it,,

see u next time rabbits,,
kiss kiss

Monday, October 1, 2012

My waxing experience at POETRE Wax and Spa Bandung

dear rabbits,,,

Last friday after work i decided to have a "me" time,,,saya sengaja pulang lebih awal untuk coba tempat waxing and spa deket rumah saya namanya Poetre wax and spa. One of the owner is Wulan Guritno,,so i was excited to try this place,,sapa tau bisa semulus neng wulan *ngarep. Well, my best friend recommend this place. Waktu perawatan pra nikah dia disini dan she was satisfied. My girl said that she got her first wax here and so far i didnt hear her complaining so i was more excited to try,,heheheh
Ngomong2 soal wax,,ive tried waxing my armpits a few time,,,but waxing si "neng" never ever,,,hahahahha,,,so "I WAS A BRAZILIAN WAX VIRGIN",,,Kenapa saya tertarik,,mungkin karena saya suka melihatnya bersih *ifyouknowwhatimean and i was a big fan of "sex and the city", there was this one episode when Carrie went to LA for her book tour and got her first Brazilian. I was curious ever since,,,hahahahaha,, What does it feel waxing your labia majora and the skin between your butt cheeks,,its scary just thinking about it because ive been shaving them ever since they grew,,i love it when their clean but hate it when they grew again faster,,tumbuhnya ga enak,,kasar kaya jenggot,,,i hate it!!!I said to my self,,what the hell!!!Lets wax 'em,,hahahaha
Poetre Wax and Spa Bandung

Saya udah reservasi ke mba2 nya di tempat wax,,ramah bgt mreka jawab semua pertanyaan saya via BBM,,Pas sampe saya masih ragu apa mau brazilian wax apa engga,,tapi mba2 nya yakinin kalo mreka akan eksekusi senyaman dan se painless mungkin,,so i was convince enough,,saya ambil paket lulur massage "whitening silky" biar tambah kinclong yes,,,it wasnt that pricey,,Cuma kena 175rb,,saya ambil waxing underarm(50rb) and Brazilian wax (95rb) *fiuuuh. 

My heart was racing as i got to the room,,begitu masuk ruangan,,kesannya homy bgt,,redup redup gmana gtu,,but mostly it was relaxing in there. Maybe because of the aroma therapy they had there. so i did calm down for a while.
Roomnya jawa bgt,,terus latar lagunya juga jawa jawa gtu,,berasa kaya di Mirota Jogyakarta,,,hehehehehe,,There is 2 bed in one room, jadi bisa duaan perawatannya,,
Setelah diantar sama si mba2 nya, they left me alone to change into a batik dress,,the dress was on top of the bed in a quite cute way,,
cute tray on the bed

The tray consist a towel, a batik dress and new disposable undies,,,neat!
after ive undress and wore the dress,,im ready to get wax!!!Mba2 nya masuk sambil bawa peralatan perang nya,,,bikin hati "nyus" lagi,,
She keeps calming me down by saying it would just hurt a bit,,

Ketek dulu kata si mba baru dari sana ke bawah,,i just nod and say "okay",,in meaning i trust you with all my heart,,,hahahahaha lebaaaaaaaay,,,


At first, si mba bersiin keti saya pake antiseptic,,terus dia keringin,,terus dia kasih semacam bedak and after that baru si sugar wax yg hangat dia spread over my armpit,,and suddenly "brebet" its done and clean,,,didnt hurt a bit,,ok that was nothing,,2 armpits clean in instant,,
Now its time for si brazil!!!udah siap2 aja nih pake costume kuning hijau,,biar se tema ama namanya,,,hehehehe,,
Proses nya sama aja,,dia bersiin pake antiseptic terus dikeringin and pake bedak,,jujur saya maluuuuuuuu sekali,,many times i said sorry because i wasnt uncomfortable with her seeing and bathing my "neng",,but she said to me to calm down and said that it was her job,,so it wasnt something new for her (JELAS!!!).
She start spreading the sugar wax on my upper "neng",,she warned me that this area would be the most painful area,,,jadi saya pasrah aja,,terus tiba2,,,


there goes the first strip!!!!!!JIIIIIR!!!!kageeeet!!!it felt ayeloleeeeeeee!!! sakiiiittt tapi ga bikin teriak,,gmana yah describe nya,,,its pure pain,,tapi begitu si mba2 cabut strip dia langsung sigap kompres,,so it doesnt hurt anymore,,so this is the feelin of brazilian wax,,i was concern about waxing the inner part of "neng",,,atasnya aja udah sakit apalagi dalamnnya,,tapi si mba bilang paling sakit itu bagian atas saja,,sisanya mah biasa aja,,and she wasnt lying,,sesudah bagian atas,,mulai lah di wax bagian samping bagian dalam,,engga sakit,,cm ga nyaman aja rasanya,,bagian atas DONE!!!udah seneeeeeeeng,,,eh si mba mba bilang blom beres balik badan,,,astagaaaaa mau di wax bagian bujur,,hahahahahaha,,but rabbits the behind part didnt hurt at all,,jadi tenang aja,,
Ternyata yg bikin sakit itu adalah rambut yg udah keseringan di shave,,everytime you shave you would create a bad ass pubic hair,,yang bakal bikin susah untuk di wax and would me extremely prickly,,
And before you know it,,,its done!!!!that wasnt that bad all,,cmrambut yg pendek2 ga ke wax harus di cabut manual pake pinset,,and fyi it hurts more then waxing,,so i said biarin aja yg pendek2 ga ke wax,,,abisan sakit pisan di pinset,,


Its massage and lulur timeeeeeeeeeee,,abis di wax si mba2 nya ganti lagi,,jadi yg specialty nya lulur and massage,,
Rabbits,it felt great,,,after a long day at work this is just what i need,,Bener bener enak,,si mba2 mastiin apakah tekanan pijat nya cukup atau kekerasan,,enak laaaaaa pokonyaaaa,,,bikin saya tiduuuuuuuuuuurrrrr,,,,
pura2 tidur nih,,,hahahahahah,,,but it feels great

After massage,,,berendaaaaam

So over all,,i had a great experience here,,it was worth it,,si "neng" and keti bersih seperti yang saya inginkan,,the massage and lulur was great too,,cuma kalo kesini jangan mepet waktu nya ke tutup,,because they charge 20rb per hour after 7pm,,they closed at 7pm,,,
I would definitely come back and do this all over again,,,demi kebersihan,,,hahahahahahahha,,and i really wanna try other beauty package,,,,
Sekarang kita liat aja tahan brp lama ga tumbuh si rambut,,,ini udah 5 hari and blom ada tanda2 tumbuh,,biasanya sih waktu di cukur, hari ini cukur bsok juga udah tumbuh,,,
Thats all rabbits,,,mangga di coba,,,rasanya "asik",,,heheheheh
see you next month POETRE,,,

Jalan Reog I no.5 - Turangga, Bandung, Indonesia 40264 
(022) 7305335

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Excited for my navajo line,,,

dear rabbits,,, lately i've been lovin this pattern,,,their called navajo patterns or tribal patterns,, they are everywhere,,on tees, dress, bags and even bangles,,its quite a hit for this year. Yesterday my production gave me the sample of our design,,and it turned out great,,,a few revise here and biggie,,lovin it so very much,, cant wait to sell it in our store,,and im hoping it will be a hit,,,amien,,,hehehehehe
Lucu kaaaaaan? sungguh tidak sabar untuk produksi,,,,
I love the way it flows,,saya suka warna nya dan perpaduan pattern with the mix colors,,cepat jadi pleaseeeee,,wanna sell it and use it also,, see u next time rabbits